a “historic opportunity” to change institutions, according to Yannick Jadot

The EELV deputy and former presidential candidate Yannick Jadot aspires Friday on franceinfo to a “refounded” and “deliberative” democracy.

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The results of the legislative elections are “a historic opportunity” of “changing the methods of government”, declared Friday, June 24 on France Inter the deputy EELV Yannick Jadot. The former presidential candidate recognizes a “dark part in this legislative election”with a historically low abstention rate and the unprecedented number of RN deputies elected to the National Assembly.

But for Yannick Jadot, through these elections, “The people said: ‘We must change the method of government of our country, we no longer want a president who decides alone in his office'”. “Will Emmanuel Macron be the architect of a refounded democracy, of a deliberative democracy at last?”, asks Yannick Jadot, “Or will he remain a president braced on his power?”

Yannick Jadot welcomes the creation of Nupes, “a success”even if she “did not win the election”. “This coalition has made it possible to double the number of our deputies” in the National Assembly, he said.

On the possibility of a coalition with the deputies of the presidential majority, Yannick Jadot affirms that “environmentalists have always said with regard to emergencies: ‘When a text goes in the right direction, we will take part in it'”. “I am not closing the door to anything, because the President of the Republic has not spoken about anything” Wednesday evening, he said, believing that “the calls of the foot, in his speech, it is clearly to the right” they are addressing.

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