The Fourth edition of the Truckers’ Trophy is being held this Friday, December 3 at the Aftral center in Monchy-Saint-Eloi in the Oise. The Héraultais Frédéric Dupeyrat, 51, is one of the 16 finalists. He has been a truck driver for the past seven years for the company Mat Power, located in Assas. If he took the regional selections, which took place on September 28 and 29 in Pérols, lightly. The, he hopes to finish first. “I got caught up in the game. We will have to do whatever it takes to bring the trophy back to Occitania. Especially since it was won by the one who represented the region three years ago” explains the Hérault candidate. A week-long trip for two to the destination of their choice is promised to the winner.
Promote the profession of truck driver
He trained for the‘theoretical test where his knowledge will be put to the test with a multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) on road safety, the environment and the health risks associated with the profession of truck driver. For practical tests, no need for training, “this is what I do every day at work.” Applicants will be judged on three practical tests : maneuvering on the track, eco-driving on the road, precision on a simulator. For him, this competition is mainly used to “to promote the profession of truck driver which is very disparaged.“He lists examples:”The truckers they pollute, they clutter the roads … “ He points out that “if we remove all the trucks from the roads, France and the whole world will not go very far to be supplied.”
– Cecile Dorleans