“A half-mummy” who lost 12 kilos: Guillaume Durand seriously ill, he tells of his ordeal

For the past few years, he has been going through hard times: when he lost his father, gallery owner Lucien Durand, in 2020, journalist Guillaume Durand then experienced one of the most difficult trials of his life, cancer of the jaw that forced him to have surgery. Transplanted by one of the greatest French doctorsthe journalist suffered a lot and told a part of his ordeal to the JDD this November 6.

Describing themselves as half a mummy, he explains that he struggled for a whole year before finally getting better, listening to the radio to try to get better, he who worked there for so long. A test which is now behind him but which he will never forget, in particular because her voice has changed since his operation, as he told last January to the Parisian and at Point.

Describing his time in the block, the 70-year-old journalist notably mentioned the way he was treated: the doctor, who also operated “the Formula 1 pilot Philippe Alliot or the journalist of Charlie Hebdo Philippe Lancon” should have remove part of his fibula, in his leg, to rebuild his jaw. “It’s not quite natural to eat with the end of your leg“, he had quipped at the time.

A successful operation, which however earned him the loss of 12 kilos even if it undoubtedly saved his life, he who “probably wouldn’t have survived” if it had been postponed. Today, after a long period of rest, marked all the same by the Covid-19, the journalist is ready to get back on his feet and to resume his normal activities, he who, apart from television and radio, spends a lot of time with his five children (Juliette, 43 years old, Arthur, 41 years old, Donald, 37 years old, then Joseph, 24 years old and Angélique, 14 years from a second marriage).

Which didn’t stop it from happening. a little scare this summeras he told our colleagues from Le Point recently: “This summer, I felt, ‘ah, it’s moved’. I took another ten days of high-dose antibiotics. You really have to have high morale. The title of the last James Bond has become my slogan: ‘Dying can wait’“. A beautiful conclusion to this difficult passage of his life!

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