A guru arrested, he forced his followers to drink his urine and eat his excrement

The Thai security forces were in shock this Sunday, May 8, 2022. Indeed, the latter had to intervene in the province of Chaiyaphum in order to search the thatched roof house of the cult leader Thawee Nanra, 75 years. Inside, eleven corpses were discovered, reports the Daily Mail.

His bodily fluids had the power to ‘cure disease’

During the intervention, supporters did not hesitate to defend the septuagenarian who claims to be the embodiment of ” father of all religions “. A “father” who forced his followers to feed on his excrement and to hydrate with his urine. Substances which, according to him, had the power to ” cure diseases “.

Our colleagues specify that the eleven corpses discovered in his house were those of his followers. Law enforcement also reportedly found the remains of a newborn baby as well as those of Thawee Nanra’s own mother. During the search, the latter would then have claimed that he kept the decomposing bodies until their spirits finally found their way to the heavens.

The cult leader said in particular that no supporter was held against their will. ” I didn’t force anyone to stay here or do anything they didn’t want. “Words contradicted by the daughter of one of the faithful who indicates that her mother was held against her will. The authorities assure that the sect had been installed in this remote province of Thailand for about 4 years without anyone noticing.

They ended up being discovered thanks to one of the followers who allegedly told her story to a social media celebrity who specializes in exposing unscrupulous religious figures like Thawee Nanra. Incarcerated, the 75-year-old man was denied bail.


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