a guest attacks Cyril Hanouna live in TPMP

It is a sad incident that took place on January 2 at Montparnasse station. A mother and her daughter had to deal with the death of their cat, crushed by a train after taking refuge under one of them after escaping their surveillance. Despite several requests from the two women, the SNCF agents would have refused to intervene to save the animal.

The cat’s death thus caused an outcry and the 30 million friends Foundation decided to file a complaint against the company for “serious abuse and acts of cruelty”. We also note that his mistresses had to pay for an additional ticket for him to travel legally … This Monday, January 23, 2023, the columnists of “Touche pas à mon poste” were invited to react to the case and if they all expressed their sadness, Benjamin Castaldi was less affected. “We’re not going to delay a train for a cat! I’m sorry. We have to stop the bullshit” he launched.

These remarks having caused controversy, the story was once again discussed on the show this Tuesday, January 24, 2023. Cyril Hanouna had even invited David, a member of the “Seconde chance” association which fights for animal protection and who has testified: “Last month, my cat Chouquette was knocked down…” he declared before being cut by Cyril Hanouna who literally exploded with laughter being these words. “What’s funny” then replied the very annoyed guest.

While trying to explain himself with Benjamin Castaldi, David was once again cut off by Cyril Hanouna who made fun of his testimony. “You’re kidding me too…” the guest protested, seeing the host laugh even more.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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