A guest and many turnovers

After two summers turned upside down by the pandemic, summer theater is coming back to life. Without mask and without distancing. At Petit-Champlain, the Dream Team Theater offers French comedy The guestwhich has been played in the major capitals of the world.

On view until August 6, David Pharao’s play tells the story of Hubert, a man in his fifties who has been looking for a job for several years. At the end of the interview process, for a management position in Indonesia, a representative of the company invites himself to Hubert’s house during a meal to confirm that he will have the position.

“Hubert and his spouse, Caroline, form a couple not quite equipped to receive guests in their condo,” says Marie-Hélène Lalande, who signs the staging.

Caroline, following a water damage, asks for help from Alexandre, the downstairs neighbour, who will offer to help the couple for this reception.

“A bit embarrassed, the couple will blindly trust him and try to put many of his advice into practice. This is where a whole turnaround is going to happen, ”she added.


Personified by Emmanuel Bédard, Alexandre is a man who has had a great career in communications, who is confident and who believes he can solve all problems.

“It’s very naive to think, because we have swallowed three or four notions about the country where we will go to work in twelve hours, that we are a better candidate”, pointed out the actor.

The guest is a nod to endless hiring processes.

“There is, in the room, a desire to denounce this. The public identifies with the central couple of the story who represent a little Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, who just want to be well and get, without more fla-fla, the job they covet. And there are, on the side, the employment specialists who will provide advice, who bring this idea that the image is better than what we really are, ”clarified Marie-Hélène Lalande.

“The play addresses the importance of remaining yourself,” added Emmanuel Bédard.

The presence of reversals, of more unexpected situations, explains the duo, is the strength of this situation comedy.

“We leave less, unlike certain rooms, where we thought we were going. Sometimes summer pieces are really good, but the ending sucks. There, it’s fun and it’s brilliant until the end, ”said Emmanuel Bédard.

“The public is not taken for an idiot, continues Marie-Hélène Lalande. It’s theater in the summer, but it’s intelligent theater. They are situation comedies performed by actors who belong to the regular seasons and with teams who are accustomed to doing theatre. We don’t stick to just one line, one punch. »

Vincent Champoux, Jean-Michel Girouard and Valérie Laroche complete the cast of this play adapted into Quebec.

L’invité is presented from Tuesday to Saturday until August 6 at the Théâtre Petit-Champlain.

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