a group of users files a complaint for “offence of exposing others to a risk of death”

The joint water management union in Guadeloupe is the subject of a preliminary investigation.

“Offence of exposing others to a risk of death”: this is the reason for the complaint filed last February, by a hundred users of the drinking water distribution network, in Guadeloupe. The inhabitants of the territory face many dysfunctions. Catastrophic situation of drinking water distribution with recurring cuts, but also sanitation problems.

The Basse-Terre prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation a few days ago, targeting the local water management body. And it’s a first victory for Béatrice Ibéné, at the initiative of the group of plaintiffs. Comments collected by Lydia Quérin from Guadeloupe the 1sttime

“The chaotic, catastrophic situation that we are experiencing is not linked to the environment or to ‘bad luck’. It is the result of a set of failures, carelessness, which exposes people in their health, every day.”

Béatrice Ibéné, on the initiative of the group of plaintiffs

in Guadeloupe the 1st

Not enough rain in Mayotte

In Mayotte, a not very generous rainy season is coming to an end. As in certain regions of France, water resources are scarce in the 101st department. And the situation is likely to get worse in the coming weeks. The point with Aurélien February of Mayotte the 1time.

Operation “Wuambushu” continues in Mayotte

Operation to destroy slums and deport people without papers to neighboring Comoros. On Tuesday May 9, the French and Comorian Ministers of the Interior and Foreign Affairs announced the resumption of maritime links between Mayotte and the Comoros.

The Month of Memories: national day of commemoration of May 10 in France

National day of commemoration of the memories of the slave trade, slavery and their abolitions this May 10, with ceremonies all over France. In Sainte-Suzanne, in the north of Reunion Island, homage was paid, on the site of Bel-Air, to people enslaved, but also to Camille Jurien de La Gravière, owner of the place in the 19th century. Report Meeting the 1time Adjaya Hoareau.

The Month of Memories continues. Next highlight: May 23, national day in tribute to the victims of slavery.

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