a group leader of Nice supporters banned from the stadium by the club

OGC Nice reacted again on Friday, two days after the incident, and suspended the capo of the Popular South stand of the Allianz Riviera.

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The first sanctions fall. A leader of the group of supporters of the “Populaire Sud” stand of the Allianz Riviera de Nice has been banned from the stadium by the club, in punishment for the mocking song Emiliano Sala, which has outraged French football, the OGC announced on Friday. Nice. “As a club, our role is to sanction those who harm OGC Nice, its public and its image”wrote in a press release Jean-Pierre Rivère, the president of the Riviera club, referring to “a message of zero tolerance” in the face of this “provocation”.

“The capo who hosted the stand on Wednesday was thus served with a commercial stadium ban by the club. It takes effect this weekend. This in-depth work will continue in the coming days, in particular during the investigation carried out by our services and the authorities following the complaints filed.he added.

In the press release, the president of the club also wanted to return to the facts: “We are appalled by the lyrics sung on Wednesday night. We immediately expressed our indignation, and a feeling of shame invaded all of us. Such an act is unjustifiable.” The group of supporters had meanwhile defended the “second degree” to justify his song.

Finally, Jean-Pierre Rivière made an appointment with the supporters to pay tribute to Emiliano Sala during the next match: “On a daily basis, OGC Nice conveys very different values. We therefore encourage our public to affirm this forcefully on Saturday evening by paying homage once again, in the most vibrant way possible, to the memory of Emiliano Sala, in the 9th minute of the match as he had been able to do after his tragic disappearance in 2019.” Appointment is made.

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