a grocery store reopens after 30 years of closure



Article written by

A.Guéry, France 3 Alsace, G.Fraize, E.Kleinhoffer, N.Lachaud, France 3 Strasbourg – France 2

France Televisions

In the Haut-Rhin, a couple helped revive a village grocery store, which had been closed for nearly 30 years. Report.

The town of Logelheim (Haut-Rhin) found his grocery store around the corner. The smell of hot bread came back, as did the homemade cakes. It had been closed for 30 years. It’s really nice to see the enthusiasm of people“, confides Maryline buckthe grocer. Customers also reconnect with the pleasure of meeting each other. It is a small place of life. In a village like ours, I find it good”explains a resident.

Created at XIXth century, the grocery store had been closed in 1994. To relaunch it, eight months of work were necessary. The grocer’s husband, Vincent, a carpenter, took care of the shell work. AT Logelheimthe rebirth of the grocery store is much more than that of a business: it is also the return of a village life, of the promise of moments of conviviality.

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