“a great relief” for the lawyer of two plaintiffs

“There is the satisfaction of still being believed by the courts,” explains the lawyer for two of the complainants who accuse Tariq Ramadan of rape.

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The Paris prosecutor’s office announced on Tuesday July 12 that it had requested a trial before the assizes against Tariq Ramadan. The Swiss Islamologist is accused of rape by four women. This is “a great relief” for the plaintiffs, reacts lawyer Eric Morain, counsel for two of the plaintiffs who accuse Tariq Ramadan of rape. “There is the satisfaction of still being believed by justiceexplains the lawyer. the idea that there will be follow-up to their complaints, which they have courageously brought, in the face of more than forty appeals which have been made by Tariq Ramadan and his lawyers since the start of the investigation.

In this file, “there are striking formulas that refocus this instruction on the facts as they have been denounced by the victims, not on the route in which Tarq Ramadan’s lawyers wanted to take this instruction.”

“We are talking about rape on several people. The prosecutor, quite curtly, sends Tariq Ramadan’s argument to the ground and says that there are enough elements to send it back.”

Eric Morain, lawyer

at franceinfo

On the accusations of Tariq Ramadan’s lawyers, relating to changes in the plaintiffs’ versions, Eric Morain wants to be “light” : “their version has never varied, except for small details which do not affect the facts”, whereas he, he says, “has been lying from the start”.

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