a great entrepreneur sells the shares of his company to ecological associations


Article written by

C. Guttin, L. de La Mornais, A. Filippi, Z. Boughzou – franceinfo

France Televisions

A great American business leader has decided to sell all his shares to ecological associations. His company, Patagonia, is valued at $3 billion. The opportunity to send a clear message: “The Earth is our only shareholder”.

“The Earth is now our sole shareholder.” It is with these bold words, in a letter addressed to his employees, that the founder of the Patagonia clothing company has just donated his company to an independent structure for free. This will have the obligation to distribute part of the profits to associations that fight against global warming. “I think what he did is a bold example”says a man.

Yvon Chouinard, owner of Patagonia, is a billionaire unlike any other. Passionate about wide open spaces and climbing, he began by selling equipment and then polo shirts for climbers, before founding his brand. Anti-capitalist, he confided in a video that he never wanted to become a billionaire and spoke of the responsibility of business leaders towards the environment. The dividends which will return each year to the ecological associations could reach 100 million dollars each year.

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