“A good old woman”, the big dumpling of the communist candidate Fabien Roussel in the middle of a congress!

Wednesday March 30, Fabien Roussel was on the side of Besançon on the occasion of the Presidential Grand Oral (Doubs), to talk about what he intended to put in place for the agricultural community. During his speech, the communist candidate made a slip that greatly amused the public…
“I defend French gastronomy, good meat, good wine, good cheese, but also a good old woman”he dropped at the FNSEA congress before realizing that he had not used the right term. “A good beer”, he corrected. What to make laugh the public composed mainly of farmers. The politician, later in his speech, said he wanted 500,000 farmers by 2030, i.e. 20,000 to 25,000 installations per year, “to take up the food challenge as well as the agro-ecological challenge”.

In this great oral, several other candidates are planned: Valérie Pécresse, Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Jean Lassalle. President Emmanuel Macron has also planned a video intervention.

His crazy project for the Fort de Brégançon

Among the promises he wishes to apply if he is elected President of the Republic, Fabien Roussel does not intend to use the Fort de Brégançon as his summer residence, unlike other heads of state. The communist candidate had spoken about his project for the old Provençal fortress of Bormes-les-Mimosas in front of the class he was confronted with on the program To the blackboard on C8. “I want all the children to be able to go on vacation”, declared the candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF) who was targeted by a preliminary investigation by the national financial prosecutor’s office for embezzlement of public funds and suspicion of fictitious jobs. Moreover, he would transform the place into a summer camp.

See also: These politicians have converted to television


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