A golf competition to help women with cancer

The Lions’ Reims Colbert organized the “For you ladies” golf competition in October 2022 at the Reims golf course, to help women better regain a normal life after cancer.

funds donated to the Resource Center in Reims

In this program to listen to lives the reader on this pageOlivier Cattiaux receives Alain Vinograd, Philippe Lavigne, Antoine Lemaire and Alain Sacy from Lions’ Reims Colbert.

The Resource Center

The Reims Resource Center is an association that supports people affected by cancer and their families.

The resource center is above all a welcoming place that allows you to take another look at cancer and to offer specific support for well-being à la carte (sophrology, self-image, shiatsu, art therapy, reflexology, Health gym, Ki Danza, singing, Yoga, Qi-gong, Hypnosis, nutrition, etc.) with individual psychological support.

In 2019, 1,330 people came to the Resource Center in Reims

This support comes at a crucial moment of the essential anti-cancer treatment and after it, to better support and become an actor of his health.

The reassuring and reassuring effect is essential for regaining one’s balance and optimizing one’s chances of recovery.

Since the beginning of 2021, the Resource Center has benefited from new, more user-friendly premises at 4 rue de la Ferme des Anglais in Reims (next to Carrefour Cernay).

Useful links

In 2022, the Reims Resource Center will cross a complicated period in terms of budget and appeals for donations from the general public, businesses and institutions.

Link to donate

Contact Resource Center Reims, 4 rue de la ferme des anglais in Reims (near Carrefour Cernay). Tel: 0326354705

Contact the Reims resource center by email
Website centre-resource-reims.org

Website Lions Club Reims Colbert
Facebook Lions Club Reims Colbert

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