A golden eagle shot down in Ardèche, the Bird Protection League will file a complaint

A golden eagle was found dead riddled with lead in Ardèche at the end of September. The Bird Protection League will file planite against X because it is a protected species.

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The Bird Protection League (LPO) will file a complaint against X with the French Biodiversity Office for “destruction of a protected species” after the slaughter of a golden eagle at the end of September near Mont Mézenc (Ardèche), reports this Friday France Bleu Drôme Ardèche. The animal was found dead, riddled with lead shot.

The bird, one of the rare present in Ardèche, had been equipped in the spring with a GPS beacon for scientific monitoring. “The person doing the follow-ups noticed in mid-September that the young eagle was no longer moving on the GPS”, explains Louis Granier, the president of the territorial delegation of the League for the protection of birds in Drôme Ardèche. “An employee of the LPO went there and found the eaglet dead.” The bird was then taken to the vet, who determined through a radio that it was riddled with pellets.

Five pairs of golden eagles currently live in Ardèche. “I will not come forward telling you that it is out of malice”, continues Louis Granier, who evokes the possibility of “ignorance”. “Still, a raptor, especially the size of an eagle, it is not so common in the sky of the Ardèche. We recognize it!”

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