A golden chance for Joshua Roy

EDMONTON | The cancellation of the World Juniors last December due to COVID-19 will have deprived several players of an international experience. For Joshua Roy, it’s just the opposite. Not only does he get an unexpected chance to represent his country but, in addition, he will do so on the first line of the team with Mason McTavish and Connor Bedard.

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• Read also: Thomas Bordeleau: the World Juniors in preparation

Cut off in December, the Sherbrooke Phoenix forward and Montreal Canadiens hopeful had, by his own admission, experienced a great disappointment.

“I was disappointed because it had gone really well, he said Monday evening, after the first and only preparatory match of the Canadian formation – a 4-3 victory against Sweden – before his official debut tomorrow. . At that time, I had given myself the objective that I wanted to make the team next winter. When I saw that the tournament was canceled [en décembre dernier], my goal changed and I wanted to carve out a place for myself in that one. I worked hard and when I heard the news, I was super happy. »

big challenge

Things couldn’t possibly have gone better for the Habs’ fifth-round pick. The withdrawal of nine members of the original formation of last December enabled him not only to obtain his place but also, at first sight, to play an important role there. Monday night against Sweden, he scored his fourth goal and was used in offensive missions playing with McTavish and Bedard at five against five in addition to being used on the second wave of power play.

For now, it is obvious that Hockey Canada has confidence in the young Beauceron.

“It’s a big challenge for me. I’m up with two very good players who are probably the two best prospects here. However, I don’t worry too much about it. I play my game and it’s not for nothing that I’m on the first line. I talked to the trainer and he liked how I practiced. All I want to do is play my style, work hard and help my teammates score goals. »

Nothing acquired

However, even if Joshua Roy should start the first official game of Team Canada junior, Wednesday against Latvia, on the first unit in attack, he takes nothing for granted. Head coach Dave Cameron made it clear that there would be roster changes throughout the competition.

“I shouldn’t take my job for granted. I must continue to work as I have done so far. »

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