A gesture of “Duty” for the environment

Our enlightened, critical and engaged readership cannot be indifferent to all the issues of crucial importance that affect the environment, both globally and locally. In this context, The duty made a significant gesture, marking the importance it intends to devote to these issues, by creating an Environment Unit made up of twelve journalists from all of its coverage sectors.

This means not only the emphasis we wish to place on this issue, but also the transversal space it occupies in our lives and, consequently, our journalistic coverage. From 1982, The duty wrote, under the pen of its journalist Louis-Gilles Francœur, reports devoted to the environment, becoming a pioneer in Quebec in this field. In 2012, Alexandre Shields took over as veteran reporter. Eleven colleagues from economics, politics, science, culture and data journalism come to lend him a hand, an undeniable sign of what we want to do with this coverage. Our commitment is to offer coverage angles based on a detailed understanding of the issues in all sectors of the environment, to follow political and economic decisions, to take an interest in solutions and not to neglect the field, the primary source of exploration.

All journalistic formats To have to will be enriched by the addition of environmental content. Our columnist Aurélie Lanctôt will specialize in climate justice issues. Starting Tuesday, we are broadcasting a new weekly newsletter, Le Courrier de la Planète, which will offer original content on the major issues of the day, but also on the solutions to be implemented, as well as examples of the beauty of nature. that surrounds us.

On this week marked by Earth Day, and following the release of a latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) focused on green solutions, The duty therefore offers you today a series of articles, interviews, videos and visualizations of data relating as much to questions of biodiversity or waste management as to the relaunch of citizen and political mobilization. This week, several of our columnists will also offer their enlightened vision of the situation. Don’t hesitate to send us your ideas and comments!

To see in video

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