a general practitioner sentenced for sexual assault on twenty patients

A total of 22 complaints were filed against this 48-year-old man for sexual abuse between January and November 2019.

A general practitioner from La Fresnais (Ille-et-Vilaine) was sentenced Thursday to four years in prison with a warrant for multiple sexual assaults on around twenty patients, reports this Friday France Bleu Armorique. The facts occurred between January and November 2019, after the installation of this doctor in this town near Saint-Malo. A total of 22 complaints have been filed against this 48-year-old man for sexual abuse.

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The first complaint dates back to November 2019. The victim, aged 87 at the time of the events, told investigators of “caresses on the chest“.”He gave me big kisses on it“, adds the president of the court by reading the testimony of this complainant at the hearing.

The investigators then make the link with two previous reports, when this doctor carried out replacements in an nursing home and in the infirmary of a high school. The gendarmes then contact more than 200 patients, aged 13 to 87. 27 women report touching. 81 patients report having changed doctors. In their statements, the plaintiffs explain that the doctor asks them “systematically“to take off their bra, before their”stroke the chest” and their “catch breasts”.

“He rubs against me”

During the hearing, some patients mentioned palpations during each of their medical appointments in the office, even though they told the doctor that they had already been followed in the context of gynecological appointments, described France Bleu Armorique. A 64-year-old woman, examined for knee problems, claims to have “felt his sex” against her. “I said to myself: it’s not possible, he is rubbing up against me“, she launches. “Paralyzed“At the time of the events, she explains that it took several months before going to the gendarmerie.

The doctor refutes all these accusations and seeks to explain this regular gesture by evoking a preventive purpose. “Palpatations are medical acts“, he justifies himself before the court. He also mentions “misunderstandings” And “a misinterpretation“of his gestures.”I have always practiced with professionalism and respect”, he assures. The deputy prosecutor denounces this line of defence: “We must not take women for idiots! They come for a knee problem, they end up naked“, she launches.

The doctor was sentenced to the height of the requisitions, namely four years in prison. It also mentions a permanent ban on practicing medicine and an activity related to minors. His name is now registered in the FIJAIS, file of perpetrators of sexual offences. He is also forbidden to appear in Ille-et-Vilaine for five years after his imprisonment.

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