a “general mobilization” scheduled for March 16

The national association of the judicial police plans a big day of mobilization on March 16 and invites “lawyers, magistrates, elected officials and supporters” to join them.

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The National Association of the Judicial Police (ANPJ), which brings together the police officers concerned by the reform of the PJ, calls for a new mobilization against the project of the Ministry of the Interior to reform the judicial police, learned franceinfo.

>> A senatorial report curbs the reform of the judicial police wanted by Gérald Darmanin

“To say no to judicial liquidation”the ANPJ offers a “general mobilization” Thursday, March 16 at noon, “before the courts, accompanied by lawyers, magistrates, elected officials and all the supporters who want to join us”.

On March 6, about 1,200 members of the judicial police gathered in front of their services at the call of the ANPJ. The association still hopes for a meeting with Emmanuel Macron to prevent a reform, already tested in eight departments, which aims to place under the authority of a new single official, the Departmental Director of the National Police, dependent on the prefect, the services intelligence, public security, border police and judicial police.

On Friday March 3, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin sent a letter to the police to tell them that the reform would be in place by the end of the year.

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