He was trying to intercept an infringing vehicle, specifies the Ministry of the Interior.
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A gendarmerie motorcyclist died in an accident during an intervention on national road 13 near Bayeux (Calvados) on Friday April 26, France Bleu Normandie has learned. The accident occurred shortly before 4 p.m., at the Saint-Loup-Hors exit.
The motorcyclist was intervening on a speed check with one of his colleagues from the Saint-Loup-Hors motorized peloton. They were trying “to intercept an infringing vehicle”, specifies the Ministry of the Interior in a press release on Friday evening. The motorcyclist then hit the back of another car and then hit the guardrail. He died on the spot, “despite the rapid intervention of his comrade and the emergency services”, adds the ministry. The 51-year-old gendarmerie non-commissioned officer was married and the father of a child.
A psychological assistance unit has been set up at the Saint-Loup-Hors brigade, the Calvados gendarmerie tells France Bleu Normandie. The Caen public prosecutor Joël Garrigue visited the site. “An investigation is open to establish precisely the circumstances of the accident,” he indicates. It was entrusted to the Bayeux Research Brigade and the Caen Gendarmerie Research Section. The Ministry of the Interior announces “his strong emotion” and salutes the memory of this soldier, engaged since 1996.