a gendarme was “seriously injured” after refusing to comply

“The suspect is actively sought and the sparrowhawk plan is triggered,” said the Minister of the Interior on Twitter.

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A gendarme was “seriously injured” Wednesday, October 19 between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. after refusing to comply in Pugnac (Gironde), announced Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Twitter. “The suspect is actively sought and the sparrowhawk plan is triggered”says the Minister of the Interior.

The incident occurred between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Pugnac, north of Bordeaux, learned franceinfo and France Bleu Gironde from concordant sources. The gendarme was hit by a vehicle during a refusal to comply after a banal check. The driver fled, dragging the soldier for several tens of meters.

suffering from “sharp pain” to the legs and“abrasions” on the upper body, according to the gendarmerie at franceinfo, the gendarme was hospitalized but his life is not in danger. A helicopter and ground crews, including a dog team, were deployed to find the fleeing suspect. The departmental group of the Gironde gendarmerie leads the search operations.

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