a Gaza Strip without the Palestinian movement is an “illusion”, according to its leader

Hamas leader Ismaïl Haniyeh called“illusion” any political solution in the Gaza Strip without the participation of “resistance movements” Palestinians, Wednesday December 13. “Any arrangement in Gaza or regarding the Palestinian cause without Hamas or the resistance movements is an illusion”, Qatar-based Ismaïl Haniyeh said in a televised speech. Follow our live stream.

Israel will continue the war “until victory”, proclaims Benjamin Netanyahu. “Nothing will stop us. We will go to the end, until victory, nothing less.” Visiting a military base in southern Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister reaffirmed his government’s desire to continue the war against Hamas “until the end”. “I say this also in the light of great suffering” caused by military losses but “also in view of international pressure”, continued Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hamas accuses the Israeli army of targeting hospital patients. Islamist movement spokesperson accuses IDF of opening fire on patient rooms at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza City and maintaining a blockade around the hospital, preventing water deliveries and food. This information could not be independently verified and the Israeli army has not responded to the accusations. The WHO director-general called on Tuesday, on the social network has “protection of all persons inside” of this hospital.

Ursula von der Leyen in favor of sanctions against “extremist settlers” in the West Bank.“Rising violence by extremist settlers is inflicting immense suffering on Palestinians. It undermines prospects for lasting peace and could further aggravate regional instability.”declared Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). This is why I am in favor of sanctioning those involved in the attacks in the West Bank.”

source site-24