a gang of 45 young people arrested by the police in Italy


Video length: 2 min

Eurozapping: a gang of 45 young people arrested by the police in Italy

Eurozapping: a gang of 45 young people arrested by the police in Italy – (FRANCEINFO)

Like every evening, the 11 p.m. news news takes a look at the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday February 7.

They terrorize bar patrons and use chairs as weapons. In Piacenza (Italy), a gang of 45 young people were arrested by the police. Many are minors, some of whom are isolated. Between attacks, drug trafficking and territorial control, the phenomenon worries and affects all of Italy.

The problem of dental deserts in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, residents have to wait several months to get an appointment with a dentist from the NHS, the British public health service. Some people end up having to take care of themselves. “I pulled out 13 of my own teeth”, confides a woman. To avoid such extremities, 21,000 euros have been released per dentist, if the latter settles for three years in medical deserts. The number of appointments will also be increased. But these provisional measures are far from satisfying the profession.

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