“A future mountebank”: Camille Lellouche mom, already plans for her daughter Alma, 1 month?

Interviewed by Thomas Sotto in Telematin this Thursday, November 17 on this new life and this “multi stress“to manage between the album, the tours and her daughter, Camille Lellouche was very frank.

I am lucky from time to time to have childcare workers who took care of her in the maternity ward who come to help me for the night or when, for example, I have to get up early for a promo.“, she notably revealed. “Otherwise I couldn’t go back to work, but I wanted to go back to work right away because I’ve missed it a lot for two years with Covid then pregnancy, etc…“.

“I haven’t slept much!”

But above all, the singer will have to do “like all the moms in the world“, as Julia Vignali, co-presenter of the show, puts it so well: manage all your responsibilities at the same time, and your fatigue on top of that. “I will juggle, work and then my daughter is very happy. Finally, she is still small but I am still there a lot huh. You can’t see it but I haven’t slept much“, she reveals with humor.

And no question for the singer to leave her baby at home while she is on tour: even a few months old, the little girl will accompany her. “Of course I’ll take her on tour, she’ll be a little acrobat like her mother“, she smiles in front of the presenters.

A baby who in any case soothes his overly impulsive side: “I’m a Gemini, so it’s all or nothing, white or black, there’s no balance. Apart from my daughter who is Libra, so it’s going to be great, she’s going to come and restore everything, rebalance everything“.

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