a fusional encounter in a first film on contemporary youth

Coming from Science-Po, Louda Ben Salah-Cazanas releases a beautiful first film, The world after us, in theaters Wednesday, April 20. Modest and well felt, it exudes a youth that we found recently in My night. With his budding writer looking for a publisher, we also think of lost illusions. Three films that capture their era differently.

First novel under the arm, Labidi is looking for a publisher in Paris, lives with a roommate, delivers pizzas, scheming, pilfering, and relies on his agent to publish it. Until he meets Elisa with whom he weaves a relationship that leads him to live beyond his means.

In the “two-room-kitchen in Paris” style, The world after us could be yet another auteur film like French cinema regularly produces. Louda Ben Salah-Cazanas, introduced to the cinema by a screenwriter friend, writes and directs a touching film, steeped in contemporary reality, whose texture vibrates on the screen. At the heart of the film: literary creation for Labidi, and love for Elisa.

The young filmmaker follows in the footsteps of a Truffaut and a Godard, or more recently a Klapisch. They have in common the treatment of a Paris outside the clichés but whose atmosphere we feel. Aurélien Gabrielli and Louise Chevillotte, are very fair in the main roles, taken between commitment in a common life and personal achievement.

Hence the title The world after us, which could announce a separation. But this “after”, with which the film ends, does not necessarily mean the end of feelings. Director, Louda Ben Salah-Cazanas, attaches to the fusional encounter of Labidi and Elisa in a hostile world. And despite an open ending, we emerge reassured from this first humanist film which finds the tone, and the spirit of the times.

Gender : Drama
Director : Louda Ben Salah Cazanas
Actors : Aurélien Gabrielli, Louise Chevillotte, Saadia Bentaïeb
Country : France
Duration : 1h25
Exit : April 20, 2022
Distributer : Tandem

Synopsis : Labidi is a young man of today: he goes from petty shenanigans to side jobs, lives in a roommate in a maid’s room and dreams of being a writer. But his meeting with Elisa forces him to rethink his lifestyle beyond his means.

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