A fund for tales and storytellers

The Regroupement du conte au Québec (RCQ) creates a fund of more than 250 books and albums of printed and audio tales.

He must make the announcement this Thursday in view of World Storytelling Day, which will take place on March 20.

Made up of 265 books and albums from the archives of Marie Fleurette Beaudoin, who directed Éditions Planète rebelle from 2002 until the end of 2021, the MF Beaudoin-Planète rebelle fund could be the largest in Canada for contemporary tales.

Under the management of the RCQ, it will allow storytellers, researchers and students to consult the works at any time.

The MF Beaudoin-Planète Rebel Fund will be kept in the Pôle conte de Montréal, which brings together various facilities in one place, as well as the offices of the RCQ, a shared work and meeting room, a performance and rehearsal room.

source site-64