“A Frenchwoman in New York”… this video by Sylvie Tellier and her message scandalize the Web!

Sylvie Tellier has the good life. The general manager of the Miss France company offered herself a round trip to New York for an express appointment. On her Instagram account, she appeared delighted to take the plane to reach the other side of the Atlantic and affirmed that, despite the short duration of this stay, this journey will have left her with incredible memories. ” Jump on a plane for an appointment in New York in 24 hours flat. I keep the same stars in my eyes as on my first trip 20 years ago “Wrote the businesswoman under her post.

A message that did not leave Internet users unmoved. ” I’ve been following you for years and I haven’t found myself in your publications for some time: too bling bling, too much display, too overrated… Too bad “, lamented a subscriber. But if the glamorous side of Laurent’s wife is one of the negative points highlighted by some, it’s a completely different detail that seems to have enraged Internet users.

“Carbon Balance”

Shocked by the movement of Sylvie Tellier, the latter did not hesitate to attack her. For them, Miss France 2002 could have been satisfied with a simple videoconference in order to save the planet. ” Oh the carbon footprint!!! No way to do video? “said a follower in shock. And another to add: One year of travel by car for 24 hours on site. And then, all these people who congratulate you by asking you the brand of your bag, to consume even more… Awareness is not for tomorrow. “.

But also : ” The only thing that came to mind when I saw this post was to understand how a public figure, could put forward the opportunity to go to the States ‘for an appointment’….what a poor example, on the contrary. sense of the reality of the world, at a time when we should all learn to reduce our carbon footprint. Sorry. And above all not very encouraging for the future. Will Sylvie take the time to respond to her detractors? The ball is in his court.


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