a Frenchman travels 3,000 km to repatriate the family of a Ukrainian friend who has gone to the front



Article written by

M. Martel, France 3 Regions, E. Noel – France 2

France Televisions

It’s a story of very strong friendship between a Frenchman and a Ukrainian family from Chernobyl. (Ukraine). André Bouchet, a resident of the Loire, traveled 3,000 km to help the wife and son of a Ukrainian friend, who had left to fight for his country. He crossed six countries to repatriate them to France.

They came straight from the Ukrainian border to Savigneux (Loire)on the evening of Wednesday 2 March. Leaving on Saturday February 26, André Bouchet crossed Europe to pick up those he loves: Vadim’s wife, son and friends, a Ukrainian he considers his son. Relieved and tired after 3,000 km on the roadhe did not hesitate for a moment.

The two men met it more than 20 years ago, after the Chernobyl disaster (Ukraine). André Bouchet and his wife had then hosted Vadim, a native of this region. Since then, they see each other every summer. Today, it is impossible not to think of him, who stayed in Ukraine to fight against Russian troops. A source of concern for his family and friends. The couple intends to help the family to build itself in France, with the hope that Vadim can, soon perhaps, find it.


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