a French soldier recounts her life in the trenches




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The bombardments intensify around Kharkiv (Ukraine). Franceinfo’s special envoys went to meet Sonia, who left France to come and lend a hand in her native country by serving in the army.

Now, most of her days, Sonia spends them here, in these trenches. When she learns that Russia has invaded Ukraine, the young woman does not hesitate for a second to take up arms. She left France where she had been living for five years, left behind her apartment in Strasbourg, her position as a lawyer to return to her native country and serve in the army. “Somewhere very deep in my mind I was already ready“, she declares.

For four months, Sonia has become a military first aider in this combat zone south of Kharkiv. In addition to training her colleagues in first aid, she is the one who takes care of the wounded on the front. A daily life now so far from his French life which he misses so much. “We’re tired of this kind of life in the trenches“, she sighs. Sonia hopes to return to France soon. But for the young woman, there is no question of leaving before having won this war.

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