a French researcher accused of espionage was arrested in Moscow


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Russia: a French researcher accused of espionage was arrested in Moscow
Russia: a French researcher accused of espionage was arrested in Moscow

A French researcher working in Russia was arrested and detained on Thursday June 6 in Moscow. The next day, in court, he admitted a failure in his statements to the authorities. The latter accuse him, in addition to this administrative error, of having collected military information.

In Moscow (Russia), Laurent Vinatier arrives handcuffed in court, Friday June 7. The judge must decide on his possible placement in detention after his custody. The 47-year-old Frenchman remains silent. The man was arrested Thursday in a restaurant in the capital during an arrest filmed by Russian justice. Officially, he is accused of not having registered as a foreign agent, an administrative constraint imposed on foreign-funded NGOs in Russia.

The Frenchman works for a very renowned Swiss international mediation organization. In 2022, he explained his mission between Russia and Ukraine. “Our job is to invite representatives from both parties, invite them to the same table, and discuss how we can make peace.“, he summarized. During the hearing, filmed by interposed screens, Laurent Vinatier admitted that he had not respected the regulations. He was finally placed in detention until August 5. No accusations of espionage is formally held against himi, but the court statement claims he was collecting military information. Allegations widely reported by the Russian press.

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