a French pastry chef who has been established in Japan for more than 20 years


France 2

Article written by

A.Miguet, G.Caron S.César, A.Francesch, R.Murata – France 2

France Televisions

Frédéric Madelaine is a pastry chef and chocolatier who has been living in Japan for 23 years. Having fallen in love with the country and the culture, the French chef has met with great success with his specialties.

Frédéric Madelaine set up as a pastry chef and chocolatier in Tokyo (Japan). He makes French specialties. It owes its reputation to its chocolate camembert, a marriage between a raw milk camembert with dark or white chocolate. “When I started this product, people were like ‘this guy, he’s a little crazy’ (…) it took so well”notes Frédéric Madelaine, from the Pommier pastry shop. “What I like here is that it’s traditional and at the same time it’s always trying new things”says a Japanese customer.

The pastry chef has worked many times in catering and today has 18 employees at his side. He created the “Galette des Rois” club in Japan, but after complaints from customers who bit into the bean, it became a grilled almond. At the chocolate fair, the pastry chef is a star. In the early 2000s, French pastry exploded in Japan, allowing Frédéric Madelaine to earn a good living.

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