Believing their son to be possessed, a French couple planned to kill him in the Sahara. He was arrested at the end of December in Spain, when he was about to board a flight to Morocco.
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They “intended to murder their 5-year-old son years, believing he was possessed”. A French couple with “psychiatric problems” was arrested in the port of Algeciras, in Andalusia, in the south of Spain, according to a press release from the Guardia civil, the Spanish gendarmerie, dated December 30 and relayed by France Bleu Gironde.
This Girondin couple was preparing to take the ferry with their son, heading to Tangier, in Morocco, and intended to reach the Sahara to put their terrible plan into execution. Both parents were subject to a European arrest warrant. A few days earlier, the French gendarmerie had sent to the Guardia civil “an urgent request for collaboration”after being alerted by a relative of the two adults, to whom they “would have” confided their evil intentions.
The child is “in good health”
“Given the seriousness of the events, a security system has been put in place covering the exit points” from Spain to Morocco, explains the Guardia Civil. It is “thanks to him” that “the parents and the minor were located in a vehicle about to board”.
This man and woman were “made available to the judicial authority, which ordered their incarceration”. As for the 5 year old child, “He is healthy” And “was transferred to a juvenile center”before his repatriation to France.