a French comedian takes down Elizabeth II who “spent her life between the Rolls and the palaces”, live on RTL!

It might get people talking. But Philippe Caverivière probably doesn’t care. Proof of this is with his violent tackle addressed to the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, who died at the age of 96 on September 8. Already pointed out for his valves which do not seem to have pleased everyone, the columnist of RTL was putting on a layer this Wednesday, September 21. The member of Yves Calvi’s team took advantage of his column to open a parenthesis that was close to his heart.

“I still get rotten on social networks because of grandma from England because I made jokes”he lamented at first before adding a layer: “Mother of England would die at 96. We are still in the second half of extra time”. Philippe Caverivière, who entertained the set with his joke, did not stop there.

“I can cry in a second”

In the rest of his column, the screenwriter and actor went even further and dropped in particular: “I confirm to you that the departure at 96 years of a granny who spent her life between the Rolls and the palaces… I can’t be sad. I tried, I can’t. She won at the lotto of life. Antoine, 24 years old, I can cry in a second. Granny Stabilo, I can give you 8253 jokes and beat my ass off with a bagpipe”.

If the columnist of RTL made a link with Antoine Alléno, it is precisely because his father, Yannick was invited to the show this Wednesday, September 21. The opportunity for Philippe Caverivière to rant against the murderer of the son of the starred chef. “We have just listened to the testimony of a dad who tells us about his son who disappeared because of a criminal… Not a driver. Journalists are obliged to say driver, I say criminal. person who would walk around and play Russian roulette randomly in the streets of Paris? Well, that’s driving drunk in fact”. A statement that seems to have convinced the members present on the set.

See also: Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Vladimir Putin breaks the silence, the astonishing words of the Russian president!


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