a “freedom convoy” is organized in France

Will Canadian drivers be emulated in France? On social networks, Internet users are organizing to set up a “freedom convoy” in France, like the one that has been blocking Ottawa for several days.

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Unlike the Canadian truckers who converged by the thousands on the capital Ottawa, in France the movement is more global. Citizens from all walks of life are therefore called upon to reach Paris by convoy on February 13, and thus block the capital, in particular to protest against the vaccination pass. A Facebook page dedicated to the organization of this convoy already brings together more than 170,000 people. Convoys from Brest, Lille or even Metz are already planned.

“It’s a convoy leaving from all over France to reach the capital, explains Rémi, one of the first Internet users to have launched this idea. The convoys will be made up of individuals with their own vehicle, motorhome or private car… It must be remembered, it is important, that this is a gathering that promises to be peaceful and joyful.

Main target of this “freedom convoy”: the vaccination pass. Sylvain, owner of a transport company, will leave Vaucluse with his trucks. He is not vaccinated. “It’s been two years since, for my part in any case, I haven’t been to a restaurant or to the cinema. And I think that this fed up is common to a lot of people currently in France.”

Sanitary measures are therefore at the heart of the movement, but not only: according to a source within territorial intelligence, the “convoy for freedom” also defends claims made by “yellow vests”.
Territorial intelligence also evokes a “low risk” of blockage: the trade unions are not participating in this convoy.

>>> Read also: beware of false information on the “freedom convoy” in Canada

A “freedom convoy” in France? Report by Boris Loumagne

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