The beautiful days are coming, the weather is nice, almost hot, the temptation to get into the water is strong. And yet many children do not master swimming enough and risk drowning. Last year in France more than 1100 people drownedthe most affected region was the PACA region and the most affected audience: children.
In this context, several initiatives have emerged to teach as many children as possible to swim. At the Nautipolis aquatic center in Valbonne, this week several children will take lessons every day to become familiar with the water and be comfortable in an aquatic environment. It is called “Like a fish in water“.
Fun learning for more ease in the water
The principle: 8 children will have 45 minutes of lessons each day for a week of the Easter holidays. Paul the lifeguard in charge of the group explains: “We are really in the discovery. First you have to understand the apprehensions to overcome them, it can be the water in the nose, the eyes under water, etc…“
– Nautipolis Aquatic Center
To make learning as effective as possible, Paul makes it fun: “We play on their imagination, we go looking for hoops, we pass under obstacles, we do courses.“The objective of this week of discovery is to be comfortable in the water in any situation.
Necessary learning for child safety
The larger purpose of the operation is to reduce the risk of child drowning. Nicolas is a sports coordinator at Nautipolis, he underlines the security aspect of this course: “We are in a coastal town, many children will go to the beaches and in the water, these families have to be made safe as much as possible.“. Paul the lifeguard adds “the minimum is that children once in the water can always reach a place where they are safe, the edge of the water or a boat.“
The situation is all the more worrying since the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to the closure of swimming pools and aquatic centers and therefore a delay in swimming cycles. The children haven’t practiced enough and we have to catch up. “This year we have partnered with the municipality of Valbonne to identify children, and we offer other courses throughout the year.“says Nicholas.
According to the wide smiles on the faces of the little swimmers, the operation is a great success.