a Franco-British meeting to advance the negotiations


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A meeting between the representatives of France and the United Kingdom took place Thursday, November 4 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the subject of fishing licenses. The journalist from France Télévisions Guillaume Daret was on site.

The meeting between France and the United Kingdom, which took place Thursday, November 4 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had “aim to advance negotiations on these famous fishing licenses“, explains Guillaume Daret, journalist France Televisions. The question of replacement boats was also raised during the meeting between the representatives of the two countries.

This discussion in Paris, between David Frost and Clément Beaune, is only a step because there will be another meeting, Friday, November 5, in Brussels. [Belgique] with the European Commission and it is only after this that sanctions could be decided“, adds journalist Guillaume Daret. Sanctions could fall if the two parties fail to reach an agreement.


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