The 2024 barometer on the French and the European Union also shows a form of pessimism about the European economy and the EU’s place on the international scene.
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Some 49% of French people surveyed say they are interested in the 2024 European elections which are being held on June 9, according to the third edition of the barometer on the French and the European Union produced by ViaVoice for Radio France, France Télévisions and France Médias Monde, published Monday May 6. France finds itself split in two when it comes to the interest given to this election since 48% of respondents say they are not interested in it. Only those aged 35-49 (38% interested) and those over 65 (60% interested) stand out, while interest is equivalent in the other age groups, with 47% among those aged 18 -24 years old and 25-34 year olds, and 46% among 50-64 year olds.
The ViaVoice barometer questioned the French on the “issues considered priority” in the context of the 2024 European elections, and it is the economy which comes first for 49% of respondents. Immigration comes in second place at 44%. This is the issue that is most often cited first (19%). Overall, the environment (38%), defense (36%), agriculture (33%) and energy (32%) follow. The war in Ukraine is cited by 28% of respondents.
The barometer submits to respondents a series of reform proposals and it is the one on a carbon tax on imported products which meets the best reception: 65% are in favor. This is followed by a European energy policy (61%), a European army (59%), a common tax policy (52%) or a European minimum wage (51%). A new asylum and immigration pact (47%) or a common health system (45%) have less support.
The 2024 edition of the barometer remains marked by a form of pessimism about the European economy: 64% of French people believe that it will deteriorate in the coming months. This is ten points less than in 2022, when 74% thought so, but it remains at a high level. And 35% think that this situation will deteriorate “significantly”. The barometer also measures respondents’ concern about the international situation. 55% believe that the place of the European Union on the international scene will deteriorate in the coming months: this is eleven points more than two years ago, when the war in Ukraine had just started, note the barometer.
The 2024 barometer shows that the role of the European Parliament is relatively unknown, because only one in two French people say they know that it is made up of European deputies and that it has a legislative role. 16% think that it is made up of the leaders of the Member States and 8% of the ministers of the governments of the Member States, a quarter of them do not comment on the subject. There is also a low level of knowledge among 18-24 year olds: 32%, which is twice as high as among those aged 65 and over.
News from the European Parliament is considered distant: eight out of ten French people say they are not aware of what is happening there. 65% of them are looking for information in order to fill their gaps. Consequently, the results of the mandate are largely unknown, with only 21% of respondents able to cite a flagship measure voted by the European Parliament over the last five years. This is a transgenerational observation with a slight advantage for those aged 18-24, of whom 25% can cite a measure compared to 21% of those aged 65 and over.
The French people interviewed hope to attend “a campaign and debates”. One in two (51%) regret that it is too often said that “everything was decided in advance”, while only a quarter believe that the candidates have “talked about the topics that really interest them.” 21% think that there are enough substantive debates between the candidates. “Enough to hope for an active and stimulating end to the campaign”, indicates this barometer.
Methodology: 3rd ViaVoice barometer on the French and the European Union for Radio France, France Télévisions and France Médias Monde, carried out online from Friday April 19 to Wednesday April 24, with a sample of 2,000 people, residing in mainland France, representative sample of the French population aged 18 and over. Representativeness ensured by the quota method applied to the following criteria: sex, age, profession, region and category of urban area.