a fox attacks passers-by in Washington



France 2

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In the United States, near the Capitol in Washington, a fox attacked several passers-by before being captured.

He had become the most wanted animal in Washington (United States). On Tuesday April 5, a fox wandered around the American capital, near the Senate and the House of Representatives. On his way, an elected official claims to have been bitten. “I felt something attack me from behind. I thought it was a small dog or something. I turned and jumped. I had my umbrella in my hand thinking I was going to chase a dog, but it was a fox“, recount Ami Bera, elected Democrat from California to the House of Representatives.

The fox also attacked several passers-by. Bites can be severe and transmit rabies. After a few hours of searching, the fox was finally captured by the local police, who remain on the lookout. “Many people have asked: is this the one and only fox? We hope it’s the only one, but there are other dens in the area, so surely there are other foxes“, warns Tim Barber, Capitol Police. The presence of foxes is not unusual in some American cities, but attacks on humans remain very rare.

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