A forum to bring people of all ages and cultures together

This text is part of the special Intergenerations booklet

Although mentalities evolve over time, prejudices related to age and cultural origin persist within society. Breaking taboos and intergenerational and intercultural isolation is part of the missions pursued by the forum Perspectives between generations and cultures which will take place on May 24 at Longueuil City Hall.

Presented as part of Quebec Intergenerational Week, this forum follows the podcast series Words of generations carried out last year by the organization Intergénérations Québec. The podcast touched on many themes, including culture shock, taboos and inclusion.

“The project aimed to establish a dialogue between generations who came from different cultures in order to deconstruct prejudices and discriminations linked to racism and ageism. This is what prompted us to consider the current theme of the forum Perspectives between generations and cultureswhich focuses on a combination of intergenerational and intercultural approaches,” explains Fatima Ladjadj, Director of Intergenerations Quebec.

A spokesperson who embraces diversity

The host and spokesperson for the event is actress Anna Beaupré Moulounda. It is a natural marriage when one is interested in the genealogy of the woman born in Abitibi. “My father is Congolese, my mother is from Quebec and the father of my children is an immigrant. Interculturality is therefore a reality to which I was exposed at a very young age,” she says.

Through the eyes of her parents, the actress quickly understood the challenges that cultural differences could represent, which she considers today to be a source of wealth. “Drawing inspiration from the culture of others requires open-mindedness and questioning. It requires opening up your horizons and rubbing shoulders with other ways of living, other ways of doing things, ”she says.

The actress also experiences intergenerational relationships on a daily basis. “I live in a duplex and my mother lives upstairs. My children see the duplex as a big house. Living so close to my mother allowed them to develop an incredible relationship with their grandmother. This relationship is rich, because it gives them access to different visions of life. »

Fight against prejudice

Fatima Ladjadj maintains that communication and knowledge of the other promote rapprochement between generations and cultures. “Getting to know each other better can remove several prejudices. We must therefore create intergenerational proximity, but above all a natural proximity by creating daily environments where the generations can rub shoulders, whether in the workplace, leisure or in politics, “says the director of Intergenerations Quebec. .

At the head of the organization for more than 12 years, Fatima Ladjadj remarks that, due to a lack of funding, several projects highlighting intergenerational proximity in everyday environments are falling into oblivion.

“I have the impression that the public authorities are not very interested in intergenerational cohabitation,” she observes. However, the areas of action are rather favorable to this type of initiative and the literature shows many benefits to intergenerational cohabitation.

“Sometimes it’s politics and municipal administrations that don’t follow,” she laments. However, she is delighted with the government’s decision to integrate daycare centers in five residences for the elderly. And others could follow suit.

A wind of hope

For Fatima Ladjadj, it is possible to drive change by creating a real momentum of intergenerational and intercultural solidarity. Aiming for a generational and cultural mix in order to remove apprehensions is a first step.

“The rapprochement between generations can serve as a lever to remedy various societal problems, but also as a lever in the fight against all kinds of prejudice. Young people, the elderly and people of immigrant origin have a lot to contribute since they are all at risk of experiencing discrimination and social exclusion. By combining the struggles against ageism and racism, everyone is a winner,” she concludes.

The May 24 forum will bring together researchers as well as organizations and citizens involved in issues related to racism and ageism. The objective will be to find solutions and inclusion for all.

Forum registration Perspectives between generations and cultures, which will take place on May 24 at the Longueuil City Hall in intergenerationsquebec.org/forum2023.

This content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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