Find here all of our live #PRESIDENTIELLE
2:47 p.m. : Anne Hidalgo, the socialist candidate, holds a meeting in Toulouse from 3 p.m. According to Alexandre Peyrout, journalist from France Télévisions, who is on site, it should refer to Jean Jaurès. “She will talk about the great values of the Republic, of the school but also of the reception of refugees”, he says. The mayor of Paris, two weeks before the first round, also intends to remobilize the activists even though she is only credited with 2% of voting intentions in the polls. Some 1,500 people are expected.
2:05 p.m. : It is 2 p.m., here are the main titles:
• The State files a complaint against the Orpea group. “It’s a fundamental step”for the journalist who revealed the scandal in the book-investigation The Gravediggers.
• US President Joe Biden met in Warsaw with the Ukrainian Foreign and Defense Ministers, who were meeting their US counterparts. A new curfew is introduced in kyiv, the capital. Follow our live.
• Two weeks before the first round, the candidates are increasing their meetings and trips. Anne Hidalgo is in Toulouse, Marine Le Pen is in Guadeloupe. Follow the situation in our live.
1:50 p.m. : The first measure of Anne Hidalgo if she won the presidential election? “My first decision concerns wages because the purchasing power, the level of wages, in France, is very low”she declares in the 1 p.m. newspaper of France 2. “I am immediately entering into negotiations, in the private sector, branch by branch, to increase salaries. I am increasing by 15%, that is to say by 200 euros net per month, the minimum wage, immediately (.. I am also doing negotiations in the public sector but immediately an increase in the index point for civil servants by 3% and also an increase in retirement pensions by 3%”she explains on France 2.
12:12 p.m. : It’s a little after noon, what to remember from the news?
• The State is filing a complaint against the Orpea group, announces Brigitte Bourguignon, the Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly. “It’s a fundamental step”for the journalist who revealed the scandal in the book-investigation The Gravediggers.
• The Ukrainian president accuses Russia of pushing for a nuclear arms race in a video intervention at the Doha Forum, organized by Qatar. In kyiv, the capital, a new curfew is introduced. Follow our live.
• Ukraine and Russia are among the world’s leading wheat suppliers. Here are the main countries threatened by food shortages due to the conflict.
• Two weeks before the first round, the candidates are increasing their meetings and trips. Anne Hidalgo is in Toulouse, Marine Le Pen is in Guadeloupe. Follow the situation in our live.
11:11 a.m. : Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the National Rally, is currently traveling in Guadeloupe. She must stay less than 24 hours on site and she will try to send a signal: that her demonization is complete. She goes to the island for the first time since she chairs the RN, where her father had never been able to go.
11:08 : Anne Hidalgo, the socialist candidate, holds a meeting in Toulouse at 3 p.m. Alexandre Peyrout, journalist at France Télévisions, follows her and reports that she is currently visiting the Empalot district.
10:17 a.m. : According to the polls, Valérie Pécresse is only fifth in voting intentions for the presidential election. Guest of franceinfo, Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for the candidate of the Republicans, minimizes these results.
09:48 : I return in particular to the financing of the system, to the share of active and retired people, to life expectancy after retirement, to the employment of seniors, to the indexation of pensions to inflation. “In the medium term, our regime [des retraites] is balanced”, estimated Yannick Jadot. The environmental candidate therefore defends maintaining the legal age of departure at 62, like Anne Hidalgo. The socialist candidate also believes that“there is no problem of financial sustainability”. “Overall by 2050, the system will be balanced, and by 2070, it will even be in surplus”says economist Eric Heyer.
09:42 : This is one of the major issues of the presidential election: pensions. Funding of the system, employability of seniors, calculation of pensions… I deciphered and verified five recent declarations by candidates for the presidential election.