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The facts date back to 2001, and concern a private establishment in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise). In 2018, after five years spent at Stanislas in charge of the prep school boarding school, Olivier P. was fired after consulting “child pornography websites”.
A former educational executive from the private Stanislas college-high school, Olivier P., was indicted for rape of a minor for acts dating from 2001, in the Saint-Martin de France college-high school, in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), franceinfo learned, Wednesday February 14, from a source close to the case. He was placed under judicial supervision. Contacted, the Valenciennes public prosecutor’s office, where the case is being investigated, did not respond to our requests.
Olivier P. served as director of the boarding school for preparatory class students at Stanislas, the famous Catholic establishment in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, from 2013 to 2018. Reached by telephone, he firmly denies the accusation of rape which weighs against him, and emphasizes that this indictment has not “nothing to do with Stanislas”. He says to himself “humiliated and devastated”.
Olivier P. was fired from the Parisian establishment in November 2018 for serious misconduct, “due to repeated consultation of child pornography websites with professional computer equipment”, according to the judgment of the Industrial Court of first instance dating from June 2020, consulted by franceinfo. He was then responsible for monitoring around 400 boarding school students at night, aged 16 to 19, and also served as a music teacher at the college, for boys aged 13-14.
Acts of rape covered by the statute of limitations
At the time, the reasons for his dismissal had not been communicated to the students or their parents, “so as not to compromise the preliminary investigation” and not take the risk that Olivier P. “do not erase the traces of his actions”, assures Frédéric Gautier, the director of Stanislas, contacted Wednesday by franceinfo. He claims to have “obviously” made a report to the public prosecutor in November 2018. This report gave rise to an investigation immediately, which was closed in April 2019, according to The world.
But during 2020, former students of Stanislas ended up learning of the accusations against Olivier P. and then asked management for a listening cell to be set up to be able to collect testimonies from possible victims.
In January 2021, Frédéric Gautier finally decided to officially inform Olivier P.’s parents and former students of the accusations against him, following the media coverage of the case by The world. He transmits to them “a reporting email address linked to the juvenile prosecutor’s office” and sets up the much-requested psychological listening unit “to facilitate the reporting of information”, he specifies.
Olivier P. assures for his part that he does not “never consulted child pornography sites”, but admits he was looking at porn sites, which is legal. He claims that he was not criminally prosecuted for these facts. The industrial tribunal judgment also mentions that “during the criminal investigation [ouverte fin 2018 après le signalement de Stanislas]Mr. P. was reported as being the subject of acts of rape covered by the statute of limitations”without it being specified in which establishment.
Humiliating, intrusive and violent practices
Today, after the announcement of the indictment of Olivier P. for rape at the Saint-Martin de France college-lyceum in Pontoise, Frédéric Gautier assures franceinfo that he will send an email to all former students of ‘Olivier P. by providing a new email address, this time managed by Stanislas, “so that families or students who want to report facts of which they may have been aware or which they may have suffered can do so.”
At the same time as this indictment, Olivier P. is also being prosecuted for acts of intentional violence committed against students in Stanislas’ preparatory classes. He is summoned to the Valenciennes court on September 9. Several former students have in fact denounced the humiliating, intrusive and violent practices on his part. In The worlda former student had, for example, recounted having taken a punch “huge” At the shoulder. Another says he has it “taken by the neck, [l]’slammed against the wall, [l]’strangled.”
Olivier P. denies any act of violence, claiming to be a victim of five students “who are comrades”. “Justice has not heard from any other student who could say that it is false,” he adds, emphasizing that he took care of 1,500 students during his five years at Stanislas. Olivier P. was hired there in 2013 by the director at the time, Daniel Chapellier, who had worked with him at the Saint-Martin de France college-high school, in Pontoise. Since 2021, Daniel Chapellier himself has been indicted for sexual assault on a minor, after a student from the private Saint-Jean de Passy college (16th arrondissement of Paris) filed a complaint. The man was then director of the establishment. This investigation is currently being investigated by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office.
If you wish to share your testimony on the facts discussed in this article, you can contact us at: [email protected]