a former Miss France denounces her behavior

On December 8, 2012, the life of Marine Loiseau

has literally changed. On that date, she succeeded Delphine Wespiser and became Miss France 2013. A moment that she never forgot, although she was not against erasing an embarrassing moment from her memory. A fall during the parade of Miss France aspirants? A twisted tongue? No, none of that. That Marine Loiseau would have liked to forget, it’s the kiss on the neckAlain Delon

during the evening.

Indeed, the one who works today as a doctor visited Frédéric Lopez on his show A Sunday in the countryside on France 2. Alongside Claude Lelouch and Martin Fourcade, the ex-beauty queen returned to this embarrassing moment. “Alain Delon, indeed, had fun, but hey, at the moment I don’t realize it at all. I’m so shocked, I don’t understand what’s happening”, she confided. If, today, the act is part of her past, she did not hide her embarrassment when the sacred monster of French cinema allowed himself this gesture.

Also see: Marine Loiseau “inconsolable”: her body is giving up on her… “I’m really upset”

Marine Ltemporel’s grandmother knew everything, or almost

Besides this stolen kiss on the neck, Marine Loiseau does not regret for a second her participation in Miss France. Thanks to her victory in the beauty contest, her life literally changed. But his coronation was not really a surprise, at least for his grandmother.

In fact, always in A Sunday in the countrysidethe one who recently found love again remembered the predictions of her paternal grandmother. “My paternal grandmother, since I was very little, she told me that I was going to be Miss France. I assure you. Every time I saw her on weekends and we spent time together family, she always told me at some point”she confided before continuing: “And she was convinced of it. She told me: ‘Promise me that you will participate one day, that you will try the experience and that you will present yourself to a Miss casting.’ If she predicted her granddaughter’s victory in the competition, the kiss ofAlain Delon was obviously not part of his visions.


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