a former magnetizer sentenced to two years in prison for sexual assault on 11 women

A former magnetizer was found guilty on Friday by the Béziers court of multiple sexual assaults on women who came to consult him.

A former magnetizer from Nissan-lez-Enserune, in Hérault, was sentenced on Friday October 27 to four years in prison with a committal warrant, two of which were suspended, before the Béziers court, reports France Bleu Hérault. This 69-year-old man was found guilty of multiple sexual assaults on eleven women who came to consult him between 2017 and 2018.

The president of the court underlined the relationship of trust that the sixty-year-old quickly established with his victims by being very empathetic, indicates France Bleu Hérault. He received them in the house he shares with his partner. The women who came to consult him were all weakened for different reasons: stressful work, therapeutic impasse or illness of a loved one. “Ideal victims”analyzed the public prosecutor.

He only recognizes part of the facts

After one or two sessions, the magnetizer would caress his victims on the breasts, pubis, sometimes under the clothes, or even kiss them forcibly. According to psychiatric experts, the attacker used his position of authority, “giving himself all the powers in the name of care”. He cannot explain why he attacked these women from 2017 other than fatigue, stress, or even the desire to do good.

Only two of the victims attended the hearing, reports France Bleu Hérault. “He didn’t treat me, he weakened me”, declared one of them. The other was annoyed that he assured in custody that it was therapeutic to put his hand in his pants.

The former magnetizer only admitted the facts for four testimonies, he said he did not remember for three others and denied outright for the last four. “Why would I touch her breasts when she had bowel problems?” he got carried away at the bar. He was ultimately found guilty in the 11 situations reported to the courts. In addition to his prison sentence, he was banned from working as a magnetizer (or similar), accompanied by five years of ineligibility and registration in the sex offenders file.

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