a former elected official indicted for sexual assault on two other elected officials

According to the prosecution, the former departmental councilor of Loir-et-Cher, aged 73, disputes the facts.

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A former departmental councilor of Loir-et-Cher was indicted for sexual assault on two elected officials, the Blois public prosecutor confirmed Thursday, November 4. According to the prosecution, the former elected, 73 years old, disputes the facts. “As there are opposing versions, everyone must be allowed to express themselves in a more suitable framework. (…) I entrust the investigation to an examining magistrate, who will have the opportunity to provoke the adversarial debate “, explained the magistrate.

The prosecutor had initially opened a preliminary investigation in the fall of 2020, on facts reported to the public prosecutor’s office by Nicolas Perruchot, then president of the departmental council of Loir-et-Cher. During the summer of the same year, a first elected woman complained to the president about the actions of one of her colleagues. Nicolas Perruchot then alerted the prosecution.

The preliminary investigation was then extended to facts concerning a second elected official, after the filing of complaints by the two women in November 2020. “These are facts, for some elders, which take place in the absence of witnesses”, said the public prosecutor of Blois, specifying that “external witnesses brought interesting elements” during the preliminary investigation.

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