The man contests the accusations of “rape and sexual assault” and “violence”, but concedes an “authoritarian attitude regarding the latest alleged facts”, according to the Valenciennes public prosecutor’s office.
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Slaps behind the head, insults, whippings: a former boarding school teacher at the Stanislas Catholic school will be tried in September for violence committed between 2012 and 2018 within this private establishment, recently highlighted by controversial statements of the former Minister of Education Amélie Oudéa-Castera. The hearing must be held on September 9 at 8:30 a.m. before the criminal court of Valenciennes, in the North, competent due to the place of residence of the accused, said the Valenciennes public prosecutor’s office.
This man will be judged for violence denounced by six students enrolled in the preparatory classes of this prestigious establishment in the center of Paris, including “whipping, kicking, slaps behind the head, being tackled to the ground, insults, as well as psychological control.”
He disputes the accusations of violence
In addition to this violence, this former boarding school master, who worked “within several Catholic establishments in Ile-de-France”was indicted on January 26 in another case for “rape and sexual assault by person abusing their position” against a student then aged 17 for acts committed between June 30 and July 1, 2001 at the Saint-Martin-de-France boarding school in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise).
Place “under judicial supervision”he has “the ban on coming into contact with the victim”, according to the Valenciennes public prosecutor’s office. He “contest” both the accusations of “rape and sexual assault” that of “violence”but concedes a “authoritarian attitude regarding the latest alleged facts”, specifies this same source. Contacted by AFP, Stanislas’ management did not respond at midday.