Video length: 2 min
Legislative elections 2024: a former Bac Nord police officer candidate for the RN
A former police officer from the Bac Nord de Marseille was nominated by the National Rally for the legislative elections in Var.
(France 2)
A former police officer from the Bac Nord de Marseille was nominated by the National Rally for the legislative elections in Var.
His face is almost unknown to the general public, but not his story. Sébastien Soulé, surprise guest of the National Rally, is invested in the 1st constituency of Var, in Toulon. The former cop, prosecuted for drug racketeering, was acquitted. Sébastien Soulé is one of the police officers who inspired the hit film North Bac. He decided to enter politics.
In Toulon this morning his candidacy divides. “He doesn’t have ideas that come close to my political ideas”, judges a passerby. During the European elections the previous weekend, the National Rally came very far in the lead in the first constituency with 35.16% of the votes cast. The RN is the favorite. In this Var constituency, the opposition is trying to discredit the candidacy of this former police officer.