The Ministry of the Interior is launching an online form to file a complaint for theft of personal data after the cyberattack at the end of January on the two third-party payment providers, Viamédis and Almérys.
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Nearly 33 million people are affected by the leaks of personal data from the two operators, Viamédis and Almérys, which manage third-party payments for many complementary health and mutual insurance companies.
“Victims can now file a complaint using an online formexplains the Ministry of the Interior on its website. It is not necessary to go to a police station or gendarmerie brigade.. Simply download the complaint letter form and send it via France transfer or by post.
“The stolen data concerns the marital status of the people, the date of birth, the social security number, the name of the health insurer and the guarantees of the contract subscribed”specifies the Ministry of the Interior. “This personal information disclosed is likely to be recovered by cybercriminals for fraudulent use”.
The ministry calls for caution when requesting reimbursement of health costs and for vigilance regarding possible movements on bank accounts.