a forest fire is underway in the Gard, 40 hectares burned

The fire is not under control this Sunday evening. An equestrian center has been evacuated, several dozen hectares are threatened.

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A fire broke out on Sunday afternoon in the town of Vallabrix, in the Gard, franceinfo learned from the department’s firefighters. 40 hectares of forest have already burned and several dozen others are threatened. The fire is not under control.

Five Canadair fly over the area, reinforcements from other departments are expected on site in the evening, bringing the number of firefighters mobilized to 250.

First responders were faced with several bursts of fire“, details the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) of Gard. An equestrian center was evacuated.

According to the last point of Sdis 30, at 8:30 p.m.write the firefighters on Twitter, 40 hectares have now burned in Vallabrix. A total of 175 Gard firefighters are hard at work, supported by a second Dash” (Editor’s note: a firefighting aircraft).

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