A football star misses his wedding and sends… his brother in his place!

There are sometimes stories that are hard to believe and yet, that of the footballer Mohamed Buya Turay is beautiful and very real. Star of his sport, the 27-year-old striker from Sierra Leone has had an adventure that is unusual to say the least. The native of Freetown has evolved in Europe for a long time before leaving for China for the past two years. This summer, he had the opportunity to return to the Old Continent, to Sweden, where the Malmö club decided to buy him. On July 22, an agreement was reached between the two clubs and the Swedish club then asked their new player to join the team as soon as possible.

Problem, the player planned his wedding on July 21 in Sierra Leone and he therefore finds himself unable to get there, obliged to respond favorably to his professional obligations. Faced with a situation that promises to be problematic, Mohamed Buya Turay makes a rather surprising decision since he asks his brother to take his place for the wedding. “We got married on July 21 in Sierra Leone. But I was not there because Malmö asked me to come here earlier. We took the photos in advance. So it looks like I was there but I wasn’t. My brother had to represent me at the wedding himself”explained the player to the Swedish daily, Aftonbladet.

I will try to take her to Sweden and Malmö now so that she is close to me

An incredible story that has gone around the world. The player did indeed take wedding photos ahead of time, as he showed on his Twitter account afterwards. “I will try to take her to Sweden and Malmö now so that she is close to me. She will live here with me”, concludes Mohamed Buya Turay, who still has not seen his wife since they officially got married. He nevertheless confides to the Swedish media that he is eager to find her and that he hopes to be able to go on honeymoon with her before the end of the year.

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