A football legend comes out and retracts: a very bad joke that turns into bad buzz

But, overwhelmed by the huge buzz triggered in just a few minutes and the tens of thousands of responses (not always intelligent…) received, they were forced to withdraw their messages for a good reason: this was all wrong ! According to some French and international journalists, the goalkeeper would have simply wanted to joke about the very many false connections that we have lent him since his divorce (Shakira, Alejandra Onieva…) and ask people to leave him alone.

A real bad buzz for Sara Carbonero’s ex-husband which ridicules the real coming-outs that could have been made by truly homosexual players and which have seen a wave of hatred surge on social networks. This one ended up reacting, a few minutes after having deleted his tweet by another, apologizing: “My account was hacked, luckily everything was back to normal. My apologies to all my followers and even more to the LGBT communityCarles Puyol, who took a few more minutes to delete his tweet, also did not speak officially.

A joke that could cost them dearly as homosexuality is still a taboo subject in professional football, in which almost no player is officially gay. A subject regularly discussed in interviews by French players including Antoine Griezmann, who had been very clear: “I think it takes a lot of courage to come out, continues Griezmann. For a teammate to feel confident enough to tell you, they really have to be a very good friend. And such trust is hard to come by […]. If a gay footballer wishes to come out, he may not have all the players of the France team by his side, but he will have me!“, he had revealed years Stubborn.

Before concluding : “It is necessary to talk about it. Repeat that homophobia is not an opinion, but a crime […]Football is a beautiful sport. We can’t leave him this homophobic image“.

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