A first transgender Miss Netherlands

(The Hague) Rikkie Kollé has won the title of Miss Netherlands, a first in the country for a transgender woman who has said she wants to be “a voice and a role model” for others.

The 22-year-old from the city of Breda was crowned on Saturday and will now compete for the Miss Universe title in El Salvador, organizers said.

“I DID IT,” she posted on Instagram after her win. “Yes, I’m trans and I want to share my story, but I’m also Rikkie, and that’s what matters to me.”

She becomes the second trans candidate for the Miss Universe pageant, after Angela Ponce, Miss Spain in 2018.

According to the organizers of Miss Netherlands, “it is the first time in the history of the country that a trans woman has won this competition”.

Rikkie Kollé “shone throughout the competition”, and has “a strong story with a clear mission”, they added on their website.

The new Miss assured that she wanted to use her victory to bring “change to society”.

“As Miss Netherlands 2023, I want to be a voice and role model for all young women and people queer “, she said in a statement posted on the contest website.

“I know better than anyone what it’s like to feel alone, and not to be surrounded by only positive thoughts.”

“When I was a little Rik and I did my coming out as a trans, it hasn’t been easy for anyone […]. Today, I am stronger than ever”.

The last Dutch woman to win the Miss Universe competition was Angela Visser in 1989.

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